Bloggers. Or readers, whoever you are.
I am Jonny. I have decided to give blogging a little whirl.
I use to enjoy blogging back in the xanga days, just as an outlet to type random thoughts that some people who venture onto your sight might be interested in reading, or not. Sometimes its just nice to have an outlet like this. You know? Anyways. I am going to use this blog for several things. For thoughts, for reviews (movies, Music, etc..), for relieving my frustrations with society and the world, talking about faith and struggle and life, to share whats going on with love, pretty much anything. That ok?
For starters i'll go ahead and explain the reason i'm calling this site "Congratulations Megalomaniac"
For starters, lets start out with the definition of Megalomania, courtesy of websters dictionary.
A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.
I can be very sarcastic. I find alot of stupidity in the world, pretty much on a daily, and sometimes an hourly basis. I'm not the smartest, wittiest, wealthiest person this world has to offer. But i know i'm not the dumbest either, and i sure do find a whole lot of dumb in this world, whether its society or just the way individuals operate in general. I have ALOT of frustration in me that i just have to let out! maybe shed some light on society, before i lose complete hope in we as a human race.
Megalomania is a condition, and no, im not pointing fun at people who actually have this psychological condition. Its more of just a word that sums up society in my eyes. A people who are overly obsessed with money, power, fame and STUFF. I get so frustrated with the way that money places people in our society. That we stare and somehow respect peoples nice cars, for what? the sound system, rims, paint job? What about this car reflects who the person is. Yet thats all it takes sometimes for people to earn or gain respect. No "Look what i accomplished, see who i am?" Its "look what my money bought me." People spend hours infront of the t.v obsessed with television shows like cribs, my new b.f.f..etc, honestly, why do we care so much about people we are not connected to at all, yet have this fame?
Anyways, thats just a brief introduction to some things that go on to my head.
So in saying "congratulations Megalomaniac" It isnt a truthful, good job! its more of a wow...way to spend your time and efforts pouring all your talents into things that dont matter. And i don't see this extremely often..nor am i pointing the finger away from myself, or at everyone in the world. Just observations that have collected over time.
But, i'll post again on here sometime soon i'm sure, hope you guys keep a reading!
leave some love and know God loves us admist our stupidity.
"God loves us admist our stupidity"
ReplyDeleteYes, He does indeed!
I keep edging on "Nuclear Holocaust," but maybe there's still hope for us... maybe.