Sunday, January 18, 2009

Get what you Get

Mainly geared towards christians, but whoever, please read!

will we ever be satisfied? We as a people, americans.
The best, yet one of the most selfish people on the planet. isn't that irony? The best nation..with the highest divorce and suicide rates? why is that?
In 2Timothy it talks about how in the end times people will become "lovers of themselves" I dont know what exactly that could mean, but in my eyes, we are there. Our lives have become about us, even for christians. We long for God to bless us, so we can have money and providence. Money, lots of houses, lots of stuff, cars, pools, shelter, COMFORT, easy living, all because God loves us. God blesses us, for the sole purpose so that we can bless other people. Does God love and want to take care of us? Yes! So if our needs are met, its time to begin blessing other people. If anyone reading this blog is not a christian, know that God loves you, and that if you have had a bad experience with a christian, that isn't what christians are supposed to be..just know that.
Are we too far gone? Is it too late? What would it take to get us as people, and us as christians back to wanting to give to others. Or is this just how its supposed to be? Revelation says this will happen, so is this now? Is it worth fighting for? I guess if it isn't to you, then the message will never get across in the first place.
I'm guilty of this too. I mean, i am a poor college student, so what money i have i do try and not blow it all on new clothes and things like that. But i still, very frequently get caught up in living for myself. When was the last time we really, REALLY cared about the lost and dying generation we bump into on a daily basis? Not just that they can be saved, but their personal life. Their struggle, Their burdens, their joy, their thoughts, when do we care about that? Do we? Or is putting up flyers for our services and hoping for salvations the extent of our love?
I mean, this is Gods love afterall, the miraculous wonder of perfect love, that lives in is it?
I think we all know what is right, and what is the right thing to do, we just so often do what we want, go through that 3 second time frame of mild, or non existant guilt, then go on with life. That feeling is very frequent in me. All it takes is us doing what we know is right, that could change a whole freakin lot of things. 75% of the world lives on LESS THAN 2 american dollars a day. Why are we so ok with spending hundreds, if not thousands on ourselves on weekly, self indulgant, living? I'm trying to overcome this too. But i just cant seem to. I know that giving to others and being available and wanting to help others is the the way God wants us to show his love to the world. But why dont i? Why dont we? What is it holding us back?
And yes, these are NOT rhitorical.
But understand this, in the last days will come perilous times of great stress and trouble.For people will be lovers of themselves and self centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordate desire of wealth. 2Timothy 3:1-2
We ARE a blessed nation, isn't it time we start the blessing?

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